June 2-3 2022
Hindus, their communities, and their traditions face a wide variety of sociological challenges in assimilating into or avoiding modern secular societies. An underpinning of these tensions is that Hindus live and work in the world while simultaneously maintaining a separation from it. Sociological issues that they may encounter include those of identity, value, affiliation, and ethnicity. This conference aims to provide an opportunity for scholars to dialogue and share research related to the experiences of contemporary Hindu communities and adherents as they navigate life within, without, and on the fringes of their religious institutions and host communities. All are welcome to participate.
Hit “Download programme” link above for abstracts.
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(All times in UTC)
12:10pm – 1:30pm
Angela Burt
The Changing Relationship of the Hare Krishna Movement with Mainstream Society: An Alignment Perspective
Gustavo H. P. Moura
World Kirtan: Music and Spirituality in a Transcultural Whirlpool
Ace Simpson and Alan Herbert
Rapture and Rupture: Experiences of Former Ashram Residents
1:30pm – 2:50pm
Tuhina Ganguly
The Wonder of Darshan: Going Beyond the Local and the Visual
Hrvoje Čargonja
Dialectics of Narrative Identity in the Hare Krishna Stories of Religious Experience
Cecilia Bastos
Mind, Body and Subjectivity: The Performance of Yoga and Meditation Practitioners
12:10pm – 1:30pm
Richa Shukla
Contemporary Hindu Woman: Strangled Soul or an Emancipated One?
Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar
Hinduism and Creole Cultural Memory in Present-day Mauritius
Priyesh Patel
Finding the One: Marriage and Love among Hindus in the UK
1:30pm – 3:10pm
Gowda Gomathi & Babu Lenin G
Memorial Stones as Social Identity in the Past
Paolo E. Rosati
Cultural Identity and Cultural Memory at Kāmākhyā: A Preliminary Study
Michael Sheludko
Russo-Ukrainian War and Problems of Violence Justification Among Russian and Ukrainian Vaishnavas
Rasa Pranskevičiūtė-Amoson
Acting in the Underground: Life as a Hare Krishna Devotee in the Republic of Lithuania (1979–1989)
Cecilia G. Bastos
T +55 71993661399
E ceciliagbastos@gmail.com
National Museum / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Angela R. Burt
T +61 412 439 734
E aburt@ochs.org.uk
Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
Alan C. Herbert
T +44 7463 138252
E alan@ochs.org.uk
Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
Ace V. Simpson
T +44 1895 265899
E ace.simpson@brunel.ac.uk
Brunel University London
Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
13 – 15 Magdalen Street, Oxford OX1 3AE.
UK Tel: 01865 304300
Regd Charity No. 1074458