Dr Santanu Dey

This visit enabled me to soak myself in the vibrant academic and cultural life of Oxford by attending talks, musical recitals, and operas during the term. The Wednesday lunches organised at the Centre enabled interaction with a wide number of students at Oxford.

Dr Santanu Dey
J.P. And Beena Khaitan Visiting Fellow

Dr Neeraja Poddar

The OCHS has an excellent library and Rembert Lutjeharms has helped me locate a number of articles and monographs that are crucial to my research.

Dr Neeraja Poddar
Shivdasani Visiting Fellow

Professor Daniel Ehnbom

I’m becoming an international ambassador for the OCHS, and look forward to long association with it in the future.

Professor Daniel Ehnbom
J.P. And Beena Khaitan Visiting Fellow

Måns Broo

At my home university, I am the only person doing Hindu studies: here I was surrounded by so many brilliant academics.

Professor Måns Broo
J.P. And Beena Khaitan Visiting Fellow

Tony Stewart

The entire staff and faculty of OCHS have been very helpful in meeting every request and need. A special mention should be made of the library, which is already a fine asset. Rembert Lutheharms clearly knows the collection inside out, which has been quite helpful. And the Wednesday lunches, when I could attend, were very effective in getting to know students and faculty, not to mention the delicious food.

Prof. Tony Stewart
J.P. And Beena Khaitan Visiting Fellow

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Visiting fellows

Each term the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies welcomes a number of visiting fellows to stay and use our facilities, give lectures and participate in the academic life at the Centre and in Oxford. This is made possible by our generous donors. To read the latest visiting fellows reports click here. We have the following visiting fellowships: