Our Newest Continuing Education Online Courses!

As some of you know by now, we spend a lot of time working to bring you amazing new courses. Here’s what we’ve released just this summer…


Vaishnavism is one of the major denominations of Hinduism and has had an enormous impact on the development of Hinduism in general.

We begin with a history of Vaishnavism from its earliest roots in the Vedas to its developments in South and North India, before moving on to consider Vaishnava practice and some of the forms that Vaishnavism takes today.

Throughout the course we allow the traditions to speak for themselves through Vaishnava texts.

Colonial Hinduism

Hinduism has a remarkable ability to adapt and renew in the face of changing times. One of the most challenging of times in Hinduism’s long history was the period of British colonial rule.

In this new course, Colonial Hinduism, we see how much India and Hinduism changed over this period; the role of the colonial state in these changes; and Hindu responses.

This course is brought to us by Prof. Amiya Sen, a distinguished historian and OCHS Fellow.

Devi Mahatmya

What if God was a Goddess? What if the universe was pervaded by a supreme feminine force which was part and parcel of creation and all beings within it? Devī Māhātmya presents such a divine vision, exalting the Great Goddess as the supreme mother of existence.

Composed some fifteen centuries ago, it signals the Brahmanical authorisation and crystallisation of indigenous Great Goddess traditions. This course features a new English translation of the Devī Māhātmya by Dr Raj Balkaran.

And of course there are all our old favourites. Click here to learn more about them.