Artist in Residence

This page contains information about our artists in residence. We have, and have had, many interesting projects at the OCHS, and with our artists in residence, we have the joy of working with them for long periods of time. Sophie Jai has been our artist in residence from October 2019 to October 2020, where she has been working on finessing her novel ‘Wildfires’, which deals with a Hindu family’s handling of losing one of their own. Param Tomanec is artist in residence at the OCHS, where he’s working on the notion of Single-mindedness. Also please read Prajwal Paraply’s, writer in residence, reflections on working with the OCHS. Click on an image below to find out more about the artist and their projects.

Rosanna Dean

Sophie Jai

Prajwal Parajuly

Param Tomanec