OCHS Kathmandu Summer University 2022

When teaching and research merge!

This August we travelled with 20 international students to Nepal for a two-week course on Śāktism, Yoga and Tantra in the Kathmandu Valley. The course was a great success bringing together text, theory, and fieldwork combining lectures by leading experts with field excursions.

Experiencing and participating in rituals are central elements of our Kathmandu Summer University course. Not only did it provide students with a better understanding of how rituals work the course also gave new insights to our researchers and has inspired a new book publication.
Link to website: summeruni.co.uk
Below you can find photos from the course.  


“The course was absolutely fantastic, bridging theory and practice; classroom study and ‘out there’ experiences of religion and culture in the field. As an anthropologist-turned-theologian, my passion for ethnography and qualitative fieldwork has been reignited as I continue to study in Nepal. I am excited to be developing some of my findings into a forthcoming symposium paper, as well as my University of Cambridge Masters’ thesis due in December. Many thanks to the Spalding Trust Fund and Cambridge Divinity Faculty for supporting me in pursuing this learning experience.”

Cambridge MPhil Candidate

See the video from our Kathmandu summer course when we visited a monastery and met the Lama!
By Prema Goet.