The Parvati Foundation

Parvathi Foundation is a charity registered with Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization for the purposes of supporting education related objectives. It was set up by a family originating from Sri Lanka. It provides financial assistance to students from developing countries directly, and indirectly through other charitable organisations. It also provides small grants to charities and educational institutions for developing educational offerings and infrastructure.  

Students who received The Parvati Foundation Bursary:

  • 2024: Natasha Chawla, Ujval Sidhu-Brar, Utsa Bose
  • 2023: Natasha Chawla
  • 2023: Visvapriya Desai
  • 2022: Yizhou Liu
  • 2021: Ranjamrittika Bhowmik
  • 2020: Meera Trivedi